But this was a long time ago, before social media was available. So, they did something far braver than engaging in internet gossip. They took her straight to Jesus. They proudly told Him of the acts she had been caught in, and reminded him of the laws that condemned her to be stoned to death. Thousands of years ago, followers of Jesus had already found that loophole that is still so popular today, the one that lets us put mercy and forgiveness in the backseat in the name of following laws and pursuing justice.
Instead of telling these people they were right, and encouraging them to punish this woman for the sinful things she had done, Jesus knelt down and wrote in the dirt, and then he got up and spoke those words that so efficiently made these people swallow their pride and cancel the stone throwing party.
"Let him who is without sin throw the first stone."
It is easy for me to look outward and find flaws in other people. What I find not so easy is looking inward and admitting my own flaws. I am someone who is fairly outspoken about being a Christian, and yet there are so many flawed areas of my life that I conveniently leave out most of the time.
So as tempted as I am to join the crowd and use the platform of this blog to cast judgement on others under the pretense of being an outspoken Christian standing up for my beliefs, tonight I am reminded that I need to look inward first. I will point you towards a post I wrote recently entitled "Brown Eyes", only because it feels relevant right now. You can take from it what you will, and I will leave it at that.
This post will lose potential comments and likes because it is not controversial. It does not call anyone out, nor does it put anyone else on a pedestal. I admire well worded pieces of writing that provide insight on what is happening in the world and take a convicting stand. That is what I initially sat down to write, but I simply cannot call out others with a clear conscious when there is so much I need to work on within myself.
I am far from being without sin, so I will put down my stones and walk away. I can only hope that when I am the one who the stones are being aimed towards, there will be others who choose to do the same.