Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Problems I am Lucky to Have

     Today was one of those days where I was finding lots of reasons to be unhappy. It's been cold all winter, but today it just seems really cold. Maybe it's just because I'm getting tired of it, because today is definitely not the coldest day we've had, but it was really getting to me today. The combination of wind and rain in my face as I rode my bike to class did not put a smile on my face. To make matters worse, I went back out in the cold after I was done with classes with a mission that did not succeed. I was feeling so good because I braved the awful weather to go get tutoring that isn't required but really helps me, only to find out that there was a mistake on the schedule. So I returned to my dorm, cold and annoyed. It just didn't seem like today was going to be a good day. In an effort to clear my head, I decided to write down the assignments that are due this week on the dry erase board above my desk. As I reached over the desk to write, something caught my eye. A picture from Honduras of a girl I met named Margarita.
     When that picture caught my eye, I had one of those moments where it was like God was telling me something. You see, what I love so much about Margarita was the fact that being around her made me feel peaceful.She didn't have much to smile about, and yet she showed her beautiful smile often. I love this picture because in it I can see that peacefulness in her eyes. What I realized in the moment that picture caught my eye is that I need to realize that my problems are not as big as I let them become in my mind. Sure, the cold is no fun and it's a bummer that I'm not going to get any help with math today. But is it really a big deal? No. I know for a fact that right now there are children in an orphanage in Honduras with not much to smile about, but I can almost guarantee you that they are smiling, because that's what most of them did the whole time we were there. They have far bigger problems than I do. In fact, many of them probably won't ever get the opportunity to go to college and stress over college classes. The problems I was facing today were annoying, but they were problems that I am lucky to have. They mean that I am in college working towards a goal, and that I have hope for the future.
     So on days like today, when the sun just won't shine and my problems begin to seem like too much, I need to remember the lesson I learned from Margarita. No matter what problems I face, I should always look for a reason to smile. I'm thankful I have that picture of her so I get to see her smile whenever life starts to take away my peace.


  1. This is beautiful! Looking your life compared to those worst off than you is always a great reality check, we as humans sometimes look to those who are better off which only goes against us.

    from Brigitte at // BreezeyBee Blog | BlogLovin'

    1. Thank you so much for reading and for your nice comment!
