Thursday, June 5, 2014

Points of Light

 Today our mission team had a fundraiser at Chick-fil-a. and in all honesty it was not one that I approached with much enthusiasm. I was tired from working a new job three days in a row, and very frustrated with the lack of interest in all my and the rest of the team's attempted promotion of this fundraiser and the one Saturday. It can feel very discouraging when people work hard to put a fundraiser together and no one seems interested. But as soon as I arrived at this fundraiser, my mood began to improve and I forgot that I was tired. As I joked with my fellow team members and socialized with the people who came to support us, I realized that this fundraiser was not a failure at all and that I had let myself become defeated too soon like I tend to do.
    As I was driving home, I was in a far better mood and excitedly daydreaming about the trip that will finally be happening in just over a month (don't daydream and drive, kids!) I realized that I am getting ready to relive the best time of my life, and still finding a reason to be in a bad mood. Why is that? I don't want to be a negative person, and I certainly don't want anyone to get the impression that I am not excited about this trip, because it is pretty much the most exciting thing ever.
     I think sometimes it just seems easier to be negative. Sometimes tiredness and stress get in the way and I forget that I have so many things to be excited about. As I came to this realization, the first lightning bugs I have seen this summer appeared in front of me, and it was a really meaningful moment. Little points of light created by God to remind me that I am not called to be a grumpy, dreary cloud, but a light that shines in the darkness. I am so ready to go back to Honduras and hopefully be a source of light to those I am lucky
At the ruins in Honduras last year. I'm so excited to make more memories like this
enough to be with throughout the trip. 

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